Coherency and consistency is important in organzing and managing a lot of information. The data structure design used in PlanWin provides the tools to organize your content while also providing for a degree of flexibility.
Shown below is an example of the type of information that might be defined in a database. The structure defines the relationship of the data elements to each other. Each data element has numerous properties which define how each data element is handled.
This structure enforces a consistency of data within a flexible framework in that over time data elements can be added, removed from the active list and reordered.
Flexibility is also provided for by allowing the database administrator to define what information is required and what is optional. PlanWin also allows for defining different types of projects. For example, small projects may have limited data reporting requirements. PlanWin can handle multiple data structures.
Although the data entry screen presents the data using the defined structure, reports are not limited to this structure and can present the data in a variety of ways. See the Reports section for addtional details.